Sunday, May 27, 2012

MVC Architecture of OpenJPA

In the development process the standard way is to use Model View Controller architecture, where the separation of each component comes into play. 
1.      Model – Model represents the data & rules that govern access & update of data. That means basically it will contain database objects to be accessed.
2.      View – View is the web pages that we can display. The HTML, JSP pages are under the View category.
3.      Controller – This is the controlling mechanism between model & view. This will communicate with Model & View & translate & transport data objects.

Figure MVC Architecture of JPA

1.      DAO – DAO means Data Access Objects & it provides an abstract interface to the databases. Basically in DAO layer we write queries to access the database. We can write DAO’s & include methods as much as we wanted. When writing DAO we can use OpenJPA NamedQueries directly.
2.      Domain – Domain means the entity classes for the tables in the database. For each table in the database, we can create a mapping entity class & define the table entities as objects. It is much more efficient way than traditional relational database mapping. Domain also called as POJO (Plain Old Java Objects).

 In order to create the connection between database & domains, need to create an xml file including such details. That xml file is named as “persistance.xml” by default. It is similar to the normal database connection establishment, but it is defined in xml format. A typical persistance.xml file would contain following details.
This holds the connection details & there are two ways to retrieve the data objects. One method is using Entity manager & other way is using Session factory. I used entity manager factory in the DAO layers.
Hope this post would help you to understand the MVC architecture of the OpenJPA. Stay in touch :)

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